opengrads - OpenGrADS wrapped "grads"


     opengrads - OpenGrADS wrapped "grads" 


     opengrads [OpenGRADS_OPTIONS]  {regular grads arguments}


     This wrapper script provides the standard interface to software 
     installed within an OpenGrADS Bundle. It enables the "grads"
     application to select specific versions of the OpenGrADS Bundle,
     as well as to detect and set the relevant environment variables.
     The "OpenGrADS Bundle" (OB) is simply a directory structure that 
     organizes GrADS, utilities, extension libraries as well as 
     supporting resources (fonts, map datasets, scripts). The main
     goal is to provide a relocatable, minimum configuration installation.
     Additional information about OBs can be found at

     An OB allows for multiple-version, multi-platform installations on
     a single directory structure. This is convenient for shipping
     multi-platform software with data DVD-ROMs, or to have a GrADS
     installation on a network disk cross mounted on diverse platforms
     (Mac OS X, Linux, FreeBSD, Windows, etc.) By allowing concurrent
     installation of multiple versions users can choose when to upgrade
     to a specific version, while keeping stable production software
     running with a frozen release.


      1) To start GrADS version 2.0.a5.oga.1 enter

         % grads --with-version 2.0.a5.oga.1

      2) To always start version 2.0.a5.1 set this environment variable
         in your .cshrc or .profile:

                   setenv GAVERSION 2.0.a5.oga.1

         Bash and variants:
                   export GAVERSION=2.0.a5.oga.1

      3) To see which versiob is your default

          % grads --version


     --asif  name   behave as if this script was called *name*

     --ga2udxt      print the value of the GA2UDXT variable right
                    before calling the real "grads"

     --gaddir       print the value of the GA2UDXT variable right
                    before calling the real "grads"

     --gascrp       print the value of the GA2UDXT variable right
                    before calling the real "grads"

     --help         print this page

     --with-arch arch
                    select OpenGrADS bundle with this architecture;
                    default is the results of `uname -n`. Usually
                    one would take the default, unless perhaps when
                    Java becomes available.

     --with-mach mach
                    select OpenGrADS bundle with this type of processor;
                    default is the results of `uname -m`. Usually one
                    would take the default. However, on architectures
                    such as Linux sometimes i386 works more reliably
                    than the neative x86_64.

     --with-version x.y.z
                    select OpenGrADS bundle with version x.y.z

     --version      print OpenGrADS Bundle version 


     GA2UDXT        The name of the directory where grads looks for its
                    User Denied eXtension Table; when GA2UDXT is already
                    set this wrapper will not redefine it.

     GADDIR         The name of the directory where grads looks for its
                    fonts and map database files; when GADDIR is already
                    set this wrapper will not redefine it

     GADSET         This wrapper sets this variable with the name
                    of the directory containg th sample datasets. From
                    the grads command line one can enter

                       ga-> @ open /model.ctl

     GAGUI          The name of the Athena GUI script to start grads
                    with. Currently the *merra.gui* script when the
                    file name for this wrapper is *merra*

     GASCRP         Space delimited list of directories where grads looks 
                    for its scripts; this wrapper always adds the 
                    Resources/Scripts directory to the end of this list

     GAVERSION      By default selects this version of the software
                    instead of "Current"

SEE ALSO --- OpenGrADS Home Page --- OpenGrADS Cookbooks


     Arlindo da Silva 


     Copyright (c) 2009 Arlindo da Silva
     This is free software released under the GNU General Public
     License; see the source for copying conditions.
     There is NO  warranty;  not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS