fish.gex - GrADS Extension Library for Calculating Streamfunction/Velocity Potential


fish.gex - GrADS Extension Library for Calculating Streamfunction/Velocity Potential


GrADS Functions:

fish(UEXPR,VEXPR[,MBDCND]) - Poisson Solver

fish_psi(UEXPR,VEXPR[,MBDCND]) - Computes Stream Function

fish_chi(UEXPR,VEXPR[,MBDCND]) - Computes Velocity Potential

fish_vor(UEXPR,VEXPR[,MBDCND]) - Computes Relative Vorticity

fish_div(UEXPR,VEXPR[,MBDCND]) - Computes Divergence


This library provides GrADS extensions (gex) with functions for computation of streamfunction and velocity potential from zonal and meridional wind components:

   laplacian(psi) = vorticity (1)
   laplacian(chi) = divergence (2)

where psi is the streamfunction and chi is the velocity potential. (See Wikipedia links below for more information on streamfunction/velocity potential.) The vorticity and divergence computation relies on functions madvu and madvv provided in the OpenGrADS extension Libbjt by B.-J. Tsuang. The Poisson equations (1)-(2) above are solved using the classic Fishpak Fortran library. Documentation for FISHPAK is given in:

Swarztrauber, P. and R. Sweet, 1975: Efficient Fortran Subprograms for the Solution of Elliptic Partial Differential Equations. Technical Note TN/IA-109. National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado 80307.

All functions provided require a global, uniform lat/lon grid.


For the following examples it is suggested that you open the following OPeNDAP dataset with a GFS forecast. Fire up gradsdods and then

   ga-> sdfopen

Computing Streamfunction from Vorticity

If you have the relative vorticity field available, say vor, you can easily compute streamfunction

   ga-> psi = fish(vor)

Computing Streamfunction from Wind Components

The first step is to evaluate the streamfunction:

  ga-> set lev 200
  ga-> psi = fish_psi(ugrd,vgrd)

It is often convenient to center the streamfunction by subtracting its global mean:

  ga-> psi = psi - aave(psi,global)

We can finally display it:

  ga-> set gxout shaded
  ga-> display psi/1e7
  draw title Streamfunction

Computing the Rotational Wind

Although the intrinsc GrADS function cdiff could be used for numerically diffferentiating the streamfunction, we use here functions mvadv/muadv from Libbjt because of its handling of the boundaries:

  ga-> one = 1 + 0 * lat
  ga-> upsi = mvadv(one,psi)
  ga-> vpsi = - muadv(one,psi)

We then plot the rotational streamlines on top of the streamfunction:

  ga-> set gxout shaded
  ga-> display psi/1e7
  ga-> set gxout stream
  ga-> display upsi;vpsi
  ga-> draw title Streamfunction/Rotational Wind

Computing Velocity Potential from Divergence

If you have the divergence field available, say div, you can easily compute streamfunction

   ga-> chi = fish(div)

Computing Velocity Potential from Wind Components

Start by computing the velocity potential:

  ga-> set lev 200
  ga-> chi = fish_chi(ugrd,vgrd)

It is often convenient to center the velocity potential by subtracting its global mean:

  ga-> psi = psi - aave(psi,global)

We can finally display it:

  ga-> set gxout shaded
  ga-> display chi/1e6
  draw title Velocity

Calculating the Divergent Wind

Although the intrinsc GrADS function cdiff could be used for numerically diffferentiating the velocity potential, we use here functions mvadv/muadv from Libbjt because of its handling of the boundaries:

  ga-> uchi = - muadv(one,chi)
  ga-> vchi = - mvadv(one,chi)

We finally display the divergent wind as vectors on top of the velocity potential:

  ga-> display chi/1e6
  ga-> set gxout vector
  ga-> set cmin 2
  ga-> set cmax 20
  ga-> display skip(uchi,6,6);vchi
  ga-> draw title Velocity Potential/Divergent Wind

Computing Vorticity and Divergence

As an alternative to the intrinsic GrADS functions hcurl/hdivg, functions fish_vor and fish_div uses the advention functions in Libbjt to numerically evaluate vorticity and divergence

   ga-> vor = fish_vor(ugrd,vgrd)
   ga-> div = fish_div(ugrd,vgrd)

These functions provide a better handling of the boundaries compared to their intrinsic counterparts.


fish(UEXPR,VEXPR[,MBDCND]) - Poisson Solver

This function uses routine PWSSSP in Fishpak to solve the poisson equation. The default parameter MBDCND=9 solves a Helmholts equation with a very small random term to provide a "unique" solution.

UEXPR,VEXPR - required

GrADS expressions with zonal and meridional wind components

MBDCND - optional

Meridional boundary condition; the default MBDCND=9 should work in most cases. See FISHPAK documentation for additional information.

      MBDCND = 1 ! BC: solution specified at both poles
      MBDCND = 5 ! BC: solution specified at TF (South Pole) and
      MBDCND = 7 ! BC: solution specified at TS (North Pole) and
      MBDCND = 9 ! BC: solution unspecified at both poles

fish_psi(UEXPR,VEXPR[,MBDCND]) - Computes Stream Function

This function computes vorticity as in fish_vor and uses fish to solve the Poisson equation for the streamfunction psi:

   laplacian(psi) = vorticity
UEXPR,VEXPR - required

GrADS expressions with zonal and meridional wind components

MBDCND - optional

Meridional boundary condition; the default MBDCND=9 should work in most cases. See FISHPAK documentation for additional information.

      MBDCND = 1 ! BC: solution specified at both poles
      MBDCND = 5 ! BC: solution specified at TF (South Pole) and
      MBDCND = 7 ! BC: solution specified at TS (North Pole) and
      MBDCND = 9 ! BC: solution unspecified at both poles

fish_chi(UEXPR,VEXPR[,MBDCND]) - Computes Velocity Potential

This function computes divergence as in fish_div and uses fish to solve the Poisson equation for the velocity potential chi:

   laplacian(chi) = divergence
UEXPR,VEXPR - required

GrADS expressions with zonal and meridional wind components

MBDCND - optional

Meridional boundary condition; the default MBDCND=9 should work in most cases. See FISHPAK documentation for additional information.

      MBDCND = 1 ! BC: solution specified at both poles
      MBDCND = 5 ! BC: solution specified at TF (South Pole) and
      MBDCND = 7 ! BC: solution specified at TS (North Pole) and
      MBDCND = 9 ! BC: solution unspecified at both poles

fish_vor(UEXPR,VEXPR) - Computes Relative Vorticity

This function computes the vorticity using the expression:

   vorticity = - ( madvu(v,one) - madvv(u,cosphi) / cosphi )

where u and v are the zonal/meridional wind components, one is a constant field equal to 1, and cosphi is the cosine of latitude. The functions madvu and madvv are provided in the OpenGrADS extension library Libbjt.

UEXPR,VEXPR - required

GrADS expressions with zonal and meridional wind components

fish_div(UEXPR,VEXPR) - Computes Divergence

This function computes the divergence using the expression:

   divergence = - ( madvu(u,one) + madvv(v,cosphi) / cosphi )

where u and v are the zonal/meridional wind components, one is a constant field equal to 1, and cosphi is the cosine of latitude. The functions madvu and madvv are provided in the OpenGrADS extension library Libbjt.

UEXPR,VEXPR - required

GrADS expressions with zonal and meridional wind components


The function fish assumes a global and uniform longitude/latitude grid. If your grid is not uniform, consider using re() for interpolating to a uniform grid. When doing so, do not make the poles gridpoints. (The function muadv from Libbjt produces undefined values if the first and last latitudinal gridpoints are at the poles.)

Undefined values are handled in a less than idea way by the Poisson solver fish. If undefined values of vortivity/divergence occur at the first and last latitudinal gridpoint, the following polar fix is applied depending on whether these gridpoints are the poles or not:

Notice that fish() becomes numerically unstable for horizontal resolutions finer that 1/2 degrees or so. In such cases use the spherical harmonic based sh_fish given in extension shfilt.

Poles are gridpoints

If the first and last latitudinal gridpoints are at the poles, the zonal average of the adjascent latitudinal band is computed and this zonal averaged value is used at the pole.

Poles are not gridpoints

The value at the same longitude in the adjascent latitudinal band is used.

For interior points, undefined values are set to zero before solving the Poisson equation.



Arlindo da Silva (


Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Arlindo da Silva; All Rights Reserved.

This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

 fish.gex - GrADS Extension Library for Calculating Streamfunction/Velocity Potential