shfilt.gex - GrADS Extension Library with Spherical Harmonic Utilities


shfilt.gex - GrADS Extension Library with Spherical Harmonic Utilities


GrADS Functions:

display sh_filt(EXPR,N1[,N2]) - Spherical Harmonic Filter

display sh_power(EXPR) - Spherical Harmonic Power Spectra

display sh_fish(EXPR) - Poisson Solver

display sh_psi(UEXPR,VEXPR) - Computes Stream Function

display sh_chi(UEXPR,VEXPR) - Computes Velocity Potential

display sh_vor(UEXPR,VEXPR) - Computes Relative Vorticity

display sh_div(UEXPR,VEXPR) - Computes Divergence

GrADS Script:

run EXPR N - Plot Spherical Harmonic Power Spectra


This library provides GrADS extensions (gex) with functions for spherical harmonic filtering and calculation of spherical harmonic power spectra. The numerical calculations rely on the excellent Spherepak library by John C. Adams and Paul N. Swarztrauber. Quoting from the Speherepak website:

SPHEREPACK 3.1 is a collection of FORTRAN programs that facilitates computer modeling of geophysical processes. The package contains programs for computing certain common differential operators including divergence, vorticity, gradients, and the Laplacian of both scalar and vector functions. Programs are also available for inverting these operators. For example, given divergence and vorticity, the package can be used to compute the velocity components. The Laplacian can also be inverted and therefore the package can be used to solve both the scalar and vector Poisson equations. Its use in model development is demonstrated by a sample program that solves the time-dependent non-linear shallow-water equations. Accurate solutions are obtained via the spectral method that uses both scalar and vector spherical harmonic transforms that are available to the user. The package also contains utility programs for computing the associated Legendre functions, Gauss points and weights, and multiple fast Fourier transforms. Programs are provided for both equally-spaced and Gauss distributed latitudinal points as well as programs that transfer data between these grids.

The current GrADS extensions only begin to explore the capabilties of Spherepak. The function sh_filt takes a scalar global 2D field on the sphere, expands it in terms of spherical harmonics, and reconstructs it includng only (total) wavenumbers in the range [N1,N2] specified by the user. Additionally, function sh_power returns the power spectra in terms of total waenumbers. This is accomplished by returning a 1D array (fixed longitude, varying latitude) with the spectra as a function of total wavenumber. The GrADS script is useful to plot this power spectra and should be used in place of the function sh_power().

This library also provides functions for computation of streamfunction and velocity potential from zonal and meridional wind components using a spectral method:

   laplacian(psi) = vorticity (1)
   laplacian(chi) = divergence (2)

where psi is the streamfunction and chi is the velocity potential. (See Wikipedia links below for more information on streamfunction/velocity potential.) The vorticity and divergence computation relies on functions madvu and madvv provided in the OpenGrADS extension Libbjt by B.-J. Tsuang. The Poisson equations (1)-(2) above are solved using a spectral method in Spherepak. These functions complement similar functions in the OpenGrADS fish extension which become numerically unstable for resolutions finer than 1/2 deg.


Filtering surface pressure.

The example expands the surface pressure field in terms of spherical harmonics and reconstructs it retaining only 10 wavenumber.

 open model
 set gxout shaded
 d sh_filt(ps,10)

Power spectra of surface temperature

The example expands the surface temperature field in terms of spherical harmonics and plots it as function of the 32 first total numbers.

 run ts 32

Computing Streamfunction from Vorticity

If you have the relative vorticity field available, say vor, you can easily compute streamfunction

   ga-> psi = sh_fish(vor)

Computing Streamfunction from Wind Components

The first step is to evaluate the streamfunction:

  ga-> set lev 200
  ga-> psi = sh_psi(ugrd,vgrd)

It is often convenient to center the streamfunction by subtracting its global mean:

  ga-> psi = psi - aave(psi,global)

We can finally display it:

  ga-> set gxout shaded
  ga-> display psi/1e7
  draw title Streamfunction

Notice that if you would like to compare the results of sh_psi and fish_psi you must first remove the global mean of both.

Computing the Rotational Wind

Although the intrinsc GrADS function cdiff could be used for numerically diffferentiating the streamfunction, we use here functions mvadv/muadv from Libbjt because of its handling of the boundaries:

  ga-> one = 1 + 0 * lat
  ga-> upsi = mvadv(one,psi)
  ga-> vpsi = - muadv(one,psi)

We then plot the rotational streamlines on top of the streamfunction:

  ga-> set gxout shaded
  ga-> display psi/1e7
  ga-> set gxout stream
  ga-> display upsi;vpsi
  ga-> draw title Streamfunction/Rotational Wind

Computing Velocity Potential from Divergence

If you have the divergence field available, say div, you can easily compute streamfunction

   ga-> chi = sh_fish(div)

Computing Velocity Potential from Wind Components

Start by computing the velocity potential:

  ga-> set lev 200
  ga-> chi = sh_chi(ugrd,vgrd)

It is often convenient to center the velocity potential by subtracting its global mean:

  ga-> psi = psi - aave(psi,global)

We can finally display it:

  ga-> set gxout shaded
  ga-> display chi/1e6
  draw title Velocity

Notice that if you would like to compare the results of sh_chi and fish_chi you must first remove the global mean of both.

Calculating the Divergent Wind

Although the intrinsc GrADS function cdiff could be used for numerically diffferentiating the velocity potential, we use here functions mvadv/muadv from Libbjt because of its handling of the boundaries:

  ga-> uchi = - muadv(one,chi)
  ga-> vchi = - mvadv(one,chi)

We finally display the divergent wind as vectors on top of the velocity potential:

  ga-> display chi/1e6
  ga-> set gxout vector
  ga-> set cmin 2
  ga-> set cmax 20
  ga-> display skip(uchi,6,6);vchi
  ga-> draw title Velocity Potential/Divergent Wind

Computing Vorticity and Divergence

As an alternative to the intrinsic GrADS functions hcurl/hdivg, sh_vor and sh_div uses the advention functions in Libbjt to numerically evaluate vorticity and divergence

   ga-> vor = sh_vor(ugrd,vgrd)
   ga-> div = sh_div(ugrd,vgrd)

These functions provide a better handling of the boundaries compared to their intrinsic counterparts.


You cannot hcurl/hdivg with sh_fish, you must use sh_vor/sh_div instead.



This function takes a scalar global 2D field on the sphere, expands it in terms of spherical harmonics, and reconstructs it includng only (total) wavenumbers in the range [N1,N2] specified by the user.


GrADS expressions with scalar expression to be filtered.


When both N1 and N2 are specified, only spherical harmonics with total wavenumber in the range [N1,N2] will be retained. When only N1 is specified, only spherical harmonics with total wavenumber in the range [1,N1] will be retained.


This function returns the power spectra in terms of total waenumbers. This is accomplished by returning a 1D array (fixed longitude, varying latitude) with the spectra as a function of total wavenumber. The GrADS script is useful to plot this power spectra and should be used in place of the function sh_power().


This function returns the inverse laplacian of EXPR using a spectral method. This is particularly useful when the finite difference implementation in fish() fails for high resolution grids.

sh_psi(UEXPR,VEXPR) - Computes Stream Function

This function computes vorticity as in sh_vor and uses sh_fish to solve the Poisson equation for the streamfunction psi:

   laplacian(psi) = vorticity
UEXPR,VEXPR - required

GrADS expressions with zonal and meridional wind components

sh_chi(UEXPR,VEXPR) - Computes Velocity Potential

This function computes divergence as in sh_div and uses sh_fish to solve the Poisson equation for the velocity potential chi:

   laplacian(chi) = divergence
UEXPR,VEXPR - required

GrADS expressions with zonal and meridional wind components

sh_vor(UEXPR,VEXPR) - Computes Relative Vorticity

This function computes the vorticity using the expression:

   vorticity = - ( madvu(v,one) - madvv(u,cosphi) / cosphi )

where u and v are the zonal/meridional wind components, one is a constant field equal to 1, and cosphi is the cosine of latitude. The functions madvu and madvv are provided in the OpenGrADS extension library Libbjt.

UEXPR,VEXPR - required

GrADS expressions with zonal and meridional wind components

sh_div(UEXPR,VEXPR) - Computes Divergence

This function computes the divergence using the expression:

   divergence = - ( madvu(u,one) + madvv(v,cosphi) / cosphi )

where u and v are the zonal/meridional wind components, one is a constant field equal to 1, and cosphi is the cosine of latitude. The functions madvu and madvv are provided in the OpenGrADS extension library Libbjt.

UEXPR,VEXPR - required

GrADS expressions with zonal and meridional wind components


Do not use the GrADS intrinsic functions hcurl and hdivg with sh_fish. Use the provided functions sh_vor and sh_div instead.



Arlindo da Silva ( with contributions from Ben Auer (Poisson Solver.)


Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Arlindo da Silva; All Rights Reserved.

This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

 shfilt.gex - GrADS Extension Library with Spherical Harmonic Utilities